
Thursdays at 6:00 pm for 45 minutes  (conducted in English)

We explore a variety of Christian and Zen Buddhist meditation and mindfulness techniques together as spiritual companions. What we have found after two years of meeting, is that the most important thing people are seeking is the shared experience of silence. The format is simple:

Two back-to-back silent intervals of 15-20 minutes each, with a few moments of sharing at the beginning and ending of our gathering. During the silence, participants focus on their individual practice, which may be zen koans, Christian centering prayer, breath counting, etc. A cardinal rule we follow, borrowed from Rev. David Parks-Ramage, is “you can’t do it wrong”.

This is a joint ministry of Sycamore Congregational and Mira Vista UCC churches. The primary leaders are Rev. Kevin Omi and Rev. Dr. Melinda McLain.

Links we like:

Mercy Center’s East West Program

San Damiano Retreat Center

Northern California Contemplative Outreach


Women’s Fellowship


英語部礼拝/ English Worship Services